has a categorized facts, tips and products to help you go green. Fantastic little icons that pay attention to the details of design. I enjoy how there are footnotes to some of their tips, making it easier for users to check where information is coming from, and follow up further if so inclined. has tips that are "convenient, fun and inexpensive." I don't have the experience with idealbite I would like to for a proper review. It was recommended by a friend though, and has several features I enjoy. One is city specific green tips for San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. Their tip library has been easily searchable. And, if so inclined, users can have tips delivered to their inbox on a daily basis. has a series of how to green various aspects of your life. Convenient are the links to other resources and places to purchase some of the items talked about. In fact, the follow up resource lists are quite extensive, and get updated by the daily posts on Treehugger if relevant.
1 comment:
How much would you like to bet that because being green is becoming a trend, there will be an entire magazine about it? It's like everywhere I turn it's the topic of discussion. Maybe that's how I got into it come to think of it.
I recently went green when my best friend persuaded me to switch to bioheat. I'm usually the leader of my group, so if she got me to do it then it must be cool. It's biodegradable and non-toxic. And you will NEVER guess what it's made of. Heating oil and organic materials like soybean oil. I know, it sounds like something you would use to soothe your skin during a massage, but it's amazing; especially during the cold seasons. I'm anemic and I love it because not only is it keeps my buns toasty.
Working for NORA and having a great group of friends is what encouraged me to go green. I got most of my fascinating tips from:
You should definitely check it out and see what other info you can find.
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